You can any time have an entire list of the Sub-Resellers under you, or you can even search for a Sub-Reseller under your Reseller account. You need to follow the steps mentioned below to achieve the same:
Login to your Control Panel. 1
- In the Menu, point to Sub-Resellers and click List to view the entire list or point to Sub-Resellers and click Search, if you are searching for a particular Sub-Reseller.
Search operation can be performed by specifying one or more of the following criteria and hitting the Search button:
Sub-Reseller Ids (comma-separated): If you wish to search for a specific set of your Sub-Resellers, then you need to specify their Ids as comma separated values. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.
Sub-Reseller Name: You can specify the Sub-Resellers Name you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow search.
Sub-Reseller Email Address: You can specify the Sub-Resellers Email Address (Username) you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.
Sub-Reseller Company: You can specify the Sub-Resellers Company Name you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.
Sub-Reseller City: You can specify the Sub-Resellers City you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.
Sub-Reseller Country: You can specify the Sub-Resellers Country you wish to search by selecting the name of a Country in this box. Leave this field at the Select a Country option, if you do not want to narrow your search.
Sub-Reseller Status: You can specify the Sub-Resellers Status you wish to search by selecting one of the values (Any {except Deleted}, Active, Suspended or Pending Activation ) in the drop down menu. Select Any if you do not want to narrow your search.
Additional Information -
Creation Date: The Creation Date indicates the date when a Sub-Reseller signed up under you. You may select a pre-defined timeframe or specify your own date range. Select All (Slowest Search), to search all of your Sub-Resellers.
Total Receipts Between: You can search a specific set of Sub-Resellers who have deposited/done business with you to a specific figure. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.
Products: You can search specific Sub-Resellers who have only signed up for or not signed up for any Product and Service, by toggling the appropriate options. Leave this option on Signed up for -> Select a Product, if you do not want to narrow your search.
Order By: You can sort the search results, by selecting one of these options.
In the list of Sub-Resellers, click the Sub-Reseller Name link to open the Sub-Reseller Details view.
You can also use the Search Bar on the Control Panel home page to bring up the Sub-Reseller Details view. This Search Bar will also be available on the topmost menu bar, in every page of the Reseller Control Panel.
Provide the Reseller Name / Email Address / ID in the search field.
Select Reseller from the drop-down menu.
Click the Search button.
The Sub-Reseller Details view will be displayed only in case of Sub-Reseller is directly under you. Otherwise, the below message will be displayed -
No Resellers found matching query.