Domain Theft Protection (Anchor: theft) feature helps ensure that your domain name remains safe from illegal domain name transfers. Enabling Theft Protection on your domain name will result in a Transfer (Away) Request for this domain name to another Registrar to fail at the Registry itself.


For Customers

To Enable/Disable Theft Protection for a domain name:

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. 1

  2. Click the Theft Protection link.

    • To Enable Theft Protection: select the Enable button.

    • To Disable Theft Protection: select the Disable button.

  3. Click the Update Theft Protection Status button.


For Resellers

To Enable/Disable Theft Protection

Follow the steps below to enable/disable Theft Protection for a domain name:

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. 2

  2. Click the Theft Protection link.

    • To Enable Theft Protection: select the Enable button.

    • To Disable Theft Protection: select the Disable button.

  3. Click the Update Theft Protection Status button.





Locking/Unlocking a Domain Name (Anchor: lock-unlock)

Apart from enabling Theft protection for a domain name, you may also place a Lock on it. Applying a Lock on any domain name, has the following effects:

  • When you place a Lock on a domain name, all actions available for domain names may still be performed by only you or China.ResellerClub.

    Types of Actions possible from the Order Information view:

    • Modifying Contact Details,

    • Modifying Name Servers,

    • Registering and managing Child Name Servers,

    • Enabling / disabling Theft Protection,

    • Suspending / Unsuspending a domain name,

    • Moving / Pushing / Transferring a domain name internally to another Customer Account, etc.

  • A Transfer (Away) Request for this domain name to another Registrar will fail at the Registry itself and will not be allowed (also supported by Theft Protection.)


    Locking domain names in the following TLDs would not prevent Transferring it:

    • .AU

    • .RU

It is advised that you Lock a domain name only in case of some payment-related issue with your Customer or if the domain name is for your own use. In all other cases enabling Theft Protection would suffice.


To Lock/Unlock a Domain Name

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. 3

  2. Click the Lock / Suspend link.

  3. On the following page:

    • To Lock the domain name: select the Lock radio button, enter the reason for Locking and click the Update button.

    • To Unlock the domain name: select the No Restriction radio button and click the Update button.